Friday, July 25, 2014

Is there an audience for what I have to say?

Social Media Tools

I will be sharing my research paper with as many people as possible and I need to figure out which social media tool will reach the biggest audience.  After reviewing the many chooses available I decided on 3 which I believe will reach the biggest audience.

First, is Facebook: This social networking site already has a list of my close friends, family and work associates so this will reach the main group of people who are interested in what I'm doing in my daily life.  These people will more then likely look at what you post and click on any links you may share with them.


Second, is Twitter: This social networking platform will reach more then just friends and family.  If what I have to tweet is interesting others who follow me will re-tweet and so on and so on.  This site is very fast moving so I could get lost in the shuffle but the opportunity to reach a large audience is still possible.
The last platform I will use is this current blog.  I can update as often as possible and be interactive with those who do view my paper.  The audience takes time to build with blogs but by using Twitter and Facebook I can steer people this way.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Unrestricted Web Posting

There's a great commercial where a lady post on social media that she's going on vacation and there is an immediate response from a man who has a face mask on like the picture above that tells her to have a nice trip.  I loved it because the thief was concealing his identity even though he has taken a picture of himself, I associate that mentality to unrestricted web posting.

Unrestricted web posting, to me, is having full access of providing information to the world but not holding any accountability of the information being given.  Delivering false information is not a new practice, the web just provides a larger audience and a faster means of delivery.  In this era of opinion blogs and everyone claiming to be an expert puts individuals in the position to become fact-finders.  Research is not only for educational settings, we now have to compare and contrast the vast amounts of information out there to view.

Our society has become accustomed to researching products through customer reviews and consumer reports; we just need to apply that same technological advantage to other forms of information.  Researching cited sources isn't a common practice because it is not something we are spending our money on, it's free information.  We don't see how incorrect information can put us in more trouble then purchasing a defected pair of tennis shoe.  We know our purchasing habits have power so we strive to get the best deal through research, we also know that education is power but we don't hold that truth as high.

I read a NY Times article for my assignment and tracked every source.  They were all verifiable but I assumed they would be since the distribution company relies on giving the public accurate information.  Not all distributed news is reliable, there are many news media outlets that high jack the look of a professional news company but have a bias agenda on what information they relay.  This is when you will need to use the criteria to evaluate the credibility of WWW resources.  These techniques will help distinguish what is legit and what isn't but overall scholarly printed information is still refereed to as being the safest bet in acquiring empirical facts.