Sunday, September 28, 2014

Communication Professional Job Requirement #3: Utilize Web Optimization

Communication professionals of the 21st century will have to be adaptable to new technologies, have the ability to write engaging and informative content and possess a strategic understanding on how search engines work.  This knowledge is needed to be a successful and sought after writer within the communication industry.  Basic understanding of computer programming language is crucial to manipulate successful results on the web (Reid, 2012).  Web optimization or search engine optimization can take a company's website from obscurity to the front page of a search engine.


Reid, B.  (2012).  The 10 skills modern communicators have (or need to get).  Retrieved from


Communication Professional Job Requirement #2: Keep me interested

The role of a communication professional entails engagement.  In attempting to engage with the public interesting content must be created.  To gain an audience you must utilize the tools on social media platforms to construct an effective outreach model.  Online communication conceptualizes human uses of the Internet by examining what people are doing with technology, socially and communicatively (Cairncross, 2001).  Using Google Analytics and other tracking software to rate your engagement campaigns will give you greater insight on what is keeping your readers interested.

Using trending hashtags and commenting on other interesting post will highlight your effort to interact (Reid, 2012).   Audiences repost and share comments that are funny and interesting the most (Roger, 2013) so it is important for communication professionals to stay aware of what is going on in society as well as how people are sharing interesting news.  Take risk and try new styles of marketing that are innovative and ethically sound.  These risk are a gamble but one post could go viral so putting in the effort could definitely pay off.


Cairncross, F. (2001).  The death of distance: how the communications revolution is changing our lives - distance isn't what it used to be.  Retrieved from

Reid, B. (2012).  The 10 skills modern communicators have (or need to get).  Retrieved from

Roger, K. (2013, February 19). Integration of push marketing campaigns into social media.     Social Media Today.  Retrieved from    campaigns-social-media.

Communication Professional Job Requirement #1: Ability to Adapt

The one thing constant is change.  It is apparent in the field of communications with the advances in technology and how information is being distributed.  With new communication devices and multiple internet platforms being developed several times a year, professionals in the information industry must possess a basic understanding of new technologies.  Without the ability to adapt to the onslaught of new industry practices some companies may fall by the wayside.  Among companies currently facing or anticipating a skills shortage, 66 percent anticipate a loss of business to competitors, 64 percent face a loss of revenue, 59 percent face eroding customer satisfaction and 53 percent say they will face a delay in developing new products or services (Accenture, 2013).

Communicators must be proactive in their careers by participating in new media.  Companies will review how active a social media specialist claims to be by browsing their current profiles.  Without a cyber footprint communication professionals will more then likely be lost in the shuffle of other ordinary candidates.  New technologies need to be tested, they are essential for productivity and must be utilized properly because the technology themselves are specific to information and communication endeavors (Hare, n.d.).  Technology has changed the way we communicate and we as professional communicators must have the ability to adapt with these changes.


Accenture.  (2013).  Accenture 2013 Skills and Employment Trends Survey: Perspectives on         Training.  Retrieved from    Employment-Trends-Survey-Perspectives-On-Training.pdf

Hare, C.  ().  New technologies and the education of information professionals.  Retrieved from
