Saturday, October 18, 2014

How Technological Advances Contribute to Societal and Cultural Shifts

With changing times we see changing technologies, societal shifts and cultural shaping.  All are intertwined and help feed each other.  The 2008 election showed how new technology developed a societal shift towards acceptance and has laid a new foundation to youths of the limitless potential being an American citizen can achieve.  Obama's campaign chose to communicate with younger voters who were increasingly using mobile devices for social media correspondence, the campaign used the fairly new platform of social media as a window to pour unsolicited information to a mass audience (Carr, 2008).

The American culture had changed to cell phones, laptops and tablets as the major medium in consuming music, media and news (Curtis, 2012).  These new avenues of communication were directly related to the technological advances that software and hardware companies were developing.  Citizens simply utilized the new technologies and now we use them in most aspects of our lives.  We have our ipads, iphones and ipods that are used daily and now our kids and grand-kids can't imagine a time before the existed.

Carr, D. (2008). How obama tapped into social networks' power.  Retrieved from

Curtis, A. (2012).  Mass media influence on society.  Mass Communication Department.
University of North Carolina at Pembroke 910.521.6616


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